Beyond the Horizon: IoT’s impact on global supply chains

Beyond the Horizon: IoT’s impact on global supply chains

The use of IoT in shipping, manufacturing, and retail lends itself to better cross-border logistics and smoother supply chain operations. With IoT facilitating real-time tracking and monitoring of goods in production and transit, businesses can...

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Revolutionising operations: The role of IoT in utility management

Revolutionising operations: The role of IoT in utility management

There’s probably no larger provider of services than utilities. Everyone is a customer.

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IoT is changing the world for businesses — and beyond

IoT is changing the world for businesses — and beyond

Initially, IoT (the Internet of Things) was an idea ahead of its time. As early as 1997, technologists had begun exploring radio-frequency identification (RFID) technology to allow physical devices to connect via microchips and wireless signals. In...

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Celebrating the women of telecoms

Celebrating the women of telecoms

More women than ever are now working at the front and centre in tech — from computer sciences, to programming, engineering, and more.

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Smart ports, smarter operations: How shipping operators are transforming their operations with IoT

Smart ports, smarter operations: How shipping operators are transforming their operations with IoT

Shipping ports are vital to our modern lives and global trade. They are also at the cutting edge of technological innovation — powered by IoT (the Internet of Things).

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A year in review and a glimpse into 2024

A year in review and a glimpse into 2024

The past year has been nothing short of transformative for the network and connectivity space. From the mainstream adoption of eSIMs, to the maturation of IoT and the steady rise of 5G, we’re experiencing a wave of change that unlocks exciting...

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Wind Tre Business supporting Genoa smart port ambition with 5G mobile private network

Wind Tre Business supporting Genoa smart port ambition with 5G mobile private network

Wind Tre Business has announced a collaboration with PSA Italy to provide a new 5G radio coverage system and data centre connectivity that will enable new IT functions at the Port of Genoa. 

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digital transformation Port of the future 5G Connectivity

Notes from the sharp end

Notes from the sharp end

Talking industrial wireless networks with Graham Wilde

Graham Wilde is Head of 5G Business Development at Three Group Solutions. Here he offers his views on the challenges and opportunities that come with taking an innovative new solution to market....

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Extending phone lifetime with Three can have a big impact on CO2

Extending phone lifetime with Three can have a big impact on CO2

Mobile phones have become ubiquitous – with estimates suggesting more than 90% of the global population now owns a mobile phone. The total number of active smartphones and feature phones around the globe is predicted to rise from 7.78 billion in...

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Sustainability article

eSIM is heading for exponential growth. So what’s the hype and where's the opportunity?

eSIM is heading for exponential growth. So what’s the hype and where's the opportunity?

According to a new report from Counterpoint Research, 83% of smartphones shipped in 2030 will support eSIM. iPhone has supported eSIM since 2018 and most Samsung devices have supported eSIM since 2020.

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